Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fruits & Vegetables, What Are Even in Them?!

Ever wonder what that fruit or veggie your eating is actually doing for you?! Here, I've typed up a little cheat sheet for your convenience! Some interesting and knowledgable things in this list!

Bananas: Their biggest benefit comes from potassium, an electrolyte that helps prevent the loss of calcium from the body. One banana packs a day's worth of potassium and it's carbohydrate content speeds recovery after strenuous exercise.

Kiwis: High in potassium, vitamin C and lutein, a carotenoid that can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Try and eat them at least twice a week and don't peel the skin it's edible and packed with nutrients. The skin tastes weird at first but you get used to it and soon it's like eating an apple you don't even think twice.

Broccoli: One cup contains a hearty dose of calcium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. And all that is in addition to its high concentration of vitamins including A, C, and K. Try cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts or cabbage for some variation as all possess many of the same nutritional qualities.

Spinach: A renowned muscle builder, spinach is rich in vitamin K which has been shown to bolster bone-mineral density: reducing fracture rates. It's also high in calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium and selenium.

Blueberries: Is a huge immunity booster, it can help prevent a range of diseases from cancer to heart disease. One serving (3.5 oz) contains more antioxidants then any other fruit.

Sweet Potatoes: They are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. In addition to countering the effects of secondhand smoke and preventing diabetes, they contain glutathione, an antioxidant that can enhance nutrient metabolism and immune-system health, as well as protect against Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, liver disease, cystic fibrosis, HIV, cancer, heart attack and stroke.

Pomegranates: helps reduce your risk of most cancers and slows the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Eggs: The old school of thought was that you should eat egg whites rather then whole eggs in order to get the protein without the added cholesterol. But recent studies have proved that the fat in the yolk is important to keep you satiated, and the benefits of the minerals and nutrients int he yolk outweigh it's cholesterol effect. They deliver the most nutrients for the fewest calories and provide the most satiety per calorie consumed. Plus they contain choline a B vitamin that studies have linked to improved brain function. In other words eat a lot of eggs they are really good for you! :) I usually eat about 2 whole eggs and 3 egg whites.

Pineapples: With it's potent mix of vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes, pineapple is an all-body anti-inflammation cocktail. They also protect against colon cancer, arthritis and macular degeneration.

Apples: an apple a day reduces swelling of all kinds, thanks to quercetin, a flavonoid also found in the skin of red onions. Quercetin reduces the risk of allergies, heart attack, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and prostate and lung cancers. If given the choice opt for Red Delicious they contain the most inflammation-fighting antioxidants.

I hope you soaked up all this interesting information because there is nothing better then to improve your health and live a longer life, and fruits and veggies have the power to help!!

Michelle Ulibarri ♥
Got all this helpful information from Men' 

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